- Students are answerable to the school authorities for their conduct both inside and outside the school. Hence, misbehaviour in public places and conveyances justifies dismissal. The bringing of weapons (knives, chains etc.) to school and ganging up with students of other schools justifies instant dismissal. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience, objectionable moral behaviour and, above all, discourtesy and disrespect to teachers are each a sufficient cause for suspension and dismissal.
- Damage to school property, however slight, will not be condoned. Stringent disciplinary measures will be taken against such offenders and the parents will have to bear the expenses for repair/replacement of the damaged property.
- The Management reserves the right to dismiss who continually fail to make satisfactory progress in their studies or whose conduct is in any way detrimental to the orderly life of the school. In all such cases the Principal’s decision is final. The character certificate which may be issued to a boy/girl when leaving will depend entirely on his/her behaviour during the school career.
- Parents are requested to bear in mind that the school attaches great importance to building a sound character in its pupils. Therefore, the parents are expected to co-operate with the school authorities by making their children understand that a well-ordered and disciplined way of life is as important at home as it is in school by seeing that they prepare their lessons and by taking an active interest in the activities of the school.
- It is extremely important for parents to realise that your attitude and behaviour has a direct bearing on your child’s growth and development. Lack of cooperation, misconduct, issuance of threatening letters or/and indulging in unwarranted communication by the parents/grand parents/guardian(s)/close relative(s) with the Principal/class teachers and the school which tentamounts threats would entail action against the ward, which could vary from warning to expulsion.
- The school diary is a record of reference. Occasional requests may be made by the teachers in this diary, and parents are requested to sign them as proof that they have read them.
- All pupils must bring their school diaries every day to school, and all parents should check and sign these diaries regularly, to keep in touch with what is being taught and what homework is being assigned to the pupils.
- Any remarks entered in a pupil’s diary or exercise book should be acknowledged by the parents, Failure to do this will be dealt with seriously.
- Parents’ should attend the PTMs and collect Progress Reports, sign them and return to the class teacher within a week! The school will not be responsible for a parent’s failure to see his/her child’s report or to monitor the child’s progress. Parent’s failure to attend meetings called by the Principal amounts to lack of cooperation and defeats the whole aim of education. In such a situation school authorities will have no option but to request the parent to withdraw the child.
- A pupil must not attend school should there be any infectious disease in the home, until the danger of infection has passed. An intimation to this effect must be given to the Principal.
- (a) Minimum Attendance required of candidates entered for the ICSE and ISC examinations is 75% attendance of working days during each of the two years course. Candidates who do not meet this requirement not be eligible for appearing for the Board Examinations.
(b) If an absence because of of illness lasts for more than three days an application for leave must be made to the Principal, accompanied by a registered doctor’s certificate. Defaulters in this regard will be excluded from class or fined.
(c) If the student is absent for three days without any information the name will be struck off the school rollss - Those who return to school after absenting themselves without leave shall not enter the class without the permission of the Principal.
- Changes in the address or telephone number of parents or guardians must be intimated in writing to the school without delay, failing which the school not be responsible for non-receipt of communications.
- Parents are welcome to visit the school and discuss any problems without their children with the teachers or the Principal, by prior appointment. However they are requested not to enter the classrooms during school hours without first consulting the Principal or Head Mistress, without whose sanction they are not allowed to interview teachers during school hours. Complaints relating to academics, if any, may be made either to the Principal or to Head Mistress.
- Those who go home alone, particularly after games should not loiter on the way, but return straight home.
- Parents of girls must be strict about their daughters returning home immediately after games. If they fail in this regard, it should be promptly reported to the Principal.
Use of Vehicles
As a manner of concern, students will not be allowed to commute to school driving their own vehicles. You are requested to kindly co-operate in this regard. Use of bicycles is however permissible.