Inter – House Elocution (Middle School)

An Elocution is a speech or recitation of a poem.
“Speech is an art of speaking which can enthrall the listeners and take them to the wonderful world of the poets.”
“Recitation, an art which was practised by our ancestors in the past to teach and learn has kept our culture alive for thousands of years”
The power of memorization can be best seen among the young children.
The students of Middle School participated in Inter-House Elocution.
The function began with the welcome speech followed by the participants.
Chestnut House – “Spring” by Mary Snell
Maple House – “Ban the Bomb, Save the Earth” by Clive Blake
Olive House – “My Mother” by Ann Taylor
Willow House students – “The Charge of Light Brigade” by Lord Alfred Tennyson.
The Hindi Elocution teams of the four Houses to displayed their talent, enthralling the audience with their mesmerizing poetry, in accompaniment of guitar and tabla musical.
As soon as the recital of Hindi Elocution was over, our Principal, Mr L. M. Kumar addressed the parents, teachers and the students. He praised the students’ performance and told them about the importance of such Competitions which provides platforms to students to develop a holistic personality.